William Everett Hardin, 17411810 (age 68 years)

William Everett Hardin
Birth April 25, 1741 25 30
MarriageSarah BledsoeView this family
about 1762 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Swan Hardin
March 10, 1773 (Age 31 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMarie Madeline De La Chaumette Hogue
1783 (Age 41 years)
Note: Prince William or Fauquier County
Marriage of a childSwan HardinJerusha BlackburnView this family
January 17, 1795 (Age 53 years)
Birth of a grandson
Benjamin Watson Cook Hardin
March 25, 1796 (Age 54 years)
Death of a fatherHenry Hardin
about 1796 (Age 54 years)
Death of a motherJudith Lynch
1804 (Age 62 years)
Death March 4, 1810 (Age 68 years)


THE HARDINS IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE BOONE TRAIL by Faustina Kelly states that General (or Colonel?) William Hardin who was in General Marion's brigade against the English in the War of the Revolution, on April 12, 1781, captured Fort Balfour, taking nearly one hundred prisoners. William was the son of Mark Hardin, one of the three Hardin brothers who fled France after the massacre of St Bartholemew in Northern France.

On February 17, 1802 William Hardin of Franklin County, Georgia transferred ownership to 670 acres in Franklin County to John Martin of Franklin County, Georgia. This transaction was filed for record in Franklin County, Georgia on June 12, 1806 and recorded on page 53 of Deed Book "PP" covering the period of February 13, 1806 - February 7, 1807. The following is an abstract of this transaction as reported on page 206 of "Franklin County, Georgia; Court of Ordinary Records; 1787 - 1849" compiled by Martha Walter Acker and published in 1989.

"Page 53: DEED dated Ga. 17 Feb. 1802, rec. 12 June 1806, from WILLIAM HARDIN of Franklin Co. to JOHN MARTIN of same. In cons. Of $5.00, conveys 670 ac. In Franklin Co. On Webs Crk. And branches of Nails Crk., adj. Samuel Hollingsworth, Robert Monfert, John Conley (?), Fergus Potts, Jeptha Rush, which land was surveyed 19 Nov. 1801 by warrant in said Hardin's name dated 6 April 1801. Warranted against claims of said Hardin, his heirs and assigns only. Signed "W,m Hardin." Wit: M'd H. Payne, Martin Hardin. Sworn to by Maxfield Hensley Payne before Ja's Terrell, J. P. 10 Feb. 1806."

Colonel William Hardin's Will

Recorded 1810, Franklin County, Ga. Will Book 1786 - 1815, 109-10

"In the name of God, Amen.

I William Hardin, of the State of Georgia and County of Franklin being of perfect sound mind and memory, and having some worldly goods to dispose of at my decease, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. And first , I order that out of worldly Estate, my executors do cause me to be buried in a descent and Christian like manner, and after my just debts are paid out of my Estate aforesaid, I give and bequeath the remaining part in the following manner......To my well beloved wife, Sarah, the land and premises whereon I now live during her natural life, provided she remains my widow, and also the whole of my negroes, as well those which I may have lent to any of my children, and those which I now do or may hereafter possess, to remain in her possession during her life and widowhood as aforesaid, having if fully in her power to aid and assist my said children in a just and equal manner, by the loan of said negroes, as their respective circumstances may in her opinion require, also my stock of every kind, plantation utensils household and kitchen furniture, to remain in her possession, and on the principles last mentioned at her discretion. I also give and bequeath to mny two sons, Martin and Richard, the lands and premises whereon I now live to be possessed by them at my wife's decease or when she is no longer my widow, and to be divided in the following manner: Beginning at Mgeas old house, from thence to be marked on a direct course to where the line of land crosses the branch which empties just below Hatten's Ford, my said son Martin to have the upper end of said land, including the island, and my said son Richard to have the lower end of said land. And lastly at my wifes decease, or when she shall cease to be my widow, I give and bequeath to all my children (to wit) Henry, Mark, Swan, Martin, Richard, Cyntha, Sarah, and Sucka, the whole of my personal property, the negroes to be divided in the following manner, (that is to say) Each negro is to be valued by respectable and impartial persons to be chosen by my Executors herein after named, and when so valued the name of each negro with the price or valuation to be written on a tickett of paper and put into a hat or box which shall be drawn out by my children above named Each child owing the negro or negroes whose names he draws as aforesaid, and should it happen that one or more should draw a negro or negroes to a greater valuation than the others, he she or they drawing the same shall return to the others the balance in cash, in such manner that each of said children shall have an equal value in the said negroes- and the balance of my personal property to be divided amongs my said children and further if I should possess any property real or personal at my decease not named it is to be divided amongs the persons and on the principles above mentioned, and for the due Execution of this my last will and Testament, I do constitute and appoint my beloved wife aforesaid my Executrix and my dutiful sons (to wit) Mark, Swan, and Martin, my whole and sole executors, to this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three.

Signed, sealed & delivered in presance of- Mary Whitney Wm. Harden (seal) Gadwell Ayers Obadiah Tremmer

I William Harden being weak and low in body but of perfect sound mind and memory do make the following alteration in my within will, it appearing to me that there is not that probability of my son Richard making that proper use of the property I designed to give him as I could wish, I therefore give the whole of the property both real and personal which is mentioned within for him the said Richard to my wife to be disposed of at or before her decease as she may think proper, but it would still be my desire that if my said son Richard should conduct himself prudently that my wife may give him the said property, I having at present made no provision for him except five shillings which I here give him."

Test Obadiah Tremmer Wm Harden (seal) Gadwell Ayers

The above is an exact copy of the Franklin County Minutes of the Court of Ordinary, May 15, 1786-September 6, 1813, on file with The Department of Archives and History or the State of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia.

Family with parents
Birth: 1716 56 46Virginia, USA
Death: about 1796Virginia, USA
Birth: 1711 59 48Virginia, USA
Death: 1804Virginia, USA
Marriage: 1736Prince William County, Virginia, USA
5 years
Birth: April 25, 1741 25 30Virginia, USA
Death: March 4, 1810Georgia, USA
Family with Sarah Bledsoe
Birth: April 25, 1741 25 30Virginia, USA
Death: March 4, 1810Georgia, USA
Birth: November 26, 1741 15 21USA
Death: February 2, 1843Mississippi, USA
Marriage: about 1762Johnston County, North Carolina, USA
11 years
Birth: March 10, 1773 31 31North Carolina, USA
Death: July 27, 1829Texas, USA