Nicholas Overbury, 15931593 (age )

Nicholas Overbury
Given names
Overbury (Overby)
Birth 1593 46 43
Note: It is assumed that Cotswold refers to the Cotswold District.
Birth of a brotherWalter Overbury
April 2, 1593
Death May 5, 1593
Cause of death: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507
Last change March 25, 201200:22:24

Family with parents
Marriage: 1578England
3 years
elder sister
Birth: June 5, 1580 33 30Gloucestershire, England
Death: 1601Gloucestershire, England
13 months
elder brother
Birth: June 18, 1581 34 31Gloucestershire, England
Death: September 15, 1613London, England
4 years
elder sister
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507May 2, 1585 38 35Gloucestershire, England
5 years
elder brother
Birth: May 4, 1590 43 40Gloucestershire, England
Death: February 6, 1653Middlesex, England
18 months
elder sister
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507October 18, 1591 44 41Gloucestershire, England
Death: March 14, 1634
15 months
elder sister
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 945071592 45 42Gloucestershire, England
2 years
Birth: 1593 46 43Gloucestershire, England
Death: May 5, 1593Gloucestershire, England
3 months
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507April 2, 1593 46 43Gloucestershire, England
Death: April 1637Gloucestershire, England
20 months
younger brother
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507November 19, 1594 47 44Gloucestershire, England
Death: June 4, 1595Gloucestershire, England
3 years
younger brother
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507May 22, 1597 50 47Gloucestershire, England
Death: October 12, 1597Gloucestershire, England