Joan de Badlesmere, 12561319 (age 63 years)

Joan de Badlesmere
Married name
Joan de de Northwode
Birth 1256
MarriageJohn de NorthwodeView this family
1274 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a son
Sir Simon De Northwode
1279 (Age 23 years)
Marriage of a childSir Simon De NorthwodeElizabeth Margery de GattonView this family
1307 (Age 51 years)
Birth of a grandson
Robert de Northwode
1310 (Age 54 years)
Note: City originally given as Barningham, but no such city could be found in Kent currently (2008), although there are such cities in other counties.
Death of a sonSir Simon De Northwode
September 8, 1318 (Age 62 years)
Note: City was originally given as Norwood, but no such location could easily be found currently (2008) in Kent.
Death of a husbandJohn de Northwode
May 26, 1319 (Age 63 years)
Note: City was originally given as Isle, but no such location could easily be found currently (2008) in Kent.
Death June 2, 1319 (Age 63 years)
Family with John de Northwode
Birth: June 24, 1254 29 21Kent, England
Death: May 26, 1319Kent, England
Marriage: 1274
6 years
Birth: 1279 24 23Norfolk, England
Death: September 8, 1318Kent, England