Sylvester Overby + Elizabeth Shotwell

5 children
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1792 29 27Virginia, USA
Death: before April 14, 1828Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1805 42 40Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1805 42 40Virginia, USA
Death: September 1856Kentucky, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1808 45 43Virginia, USA
Death: before December 30, 1835Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1763 35 20Virginia, USA
Death: 1818Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507July 30, 1727 34 32Virginia, USA
Death: 1813Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507August 1, 1742Virginia, USA
Birth: The Overbury Story: 500 years in England and America, by Libby Overby, Gateway Press, Inc. , Baltimore, 1988, correspondence to Libby Overby 28 Cherry Hills Co., Alamo, CA 94507about 1765 20Virginia, USA
Death: before 1817Virginia, USA

Facts and events

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