Family grave markers - Doug and Juanita's on the left and Carl and Katy Barnfield on right

Media file
Title: Family grave markers - Doug and Juanita's on the left and Carl and Katy Barnfield on right
Type: tombstone
Format: jpeg
Family grave markers - Doug and Juanita's on the left and Carl and Katy Barnfield on right
Last change August 23, 201417:33:21

Given namesSurnameBirth Place Death AgePlaceLast change
Carl Matthew Barnfield Bud
August 9, 1909
115 Texas, USA
4 July 28, 1990
34 80 Texas, USA
Saturday, September 23, 2017 9:46 AM
Juanita Pearl Barnfield
Juanita Pearl Currie
September 15, 1928
96 Texas, USA
3 August 12, 2014
10 85 Texas, USA
Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:14 PM
Douglas Harold Currie Doug
Doug Currie
July 31, 1926
98 3 April 2, 1992
32 65 Texas, USA
Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:13 PM
Katherine Margaret Davis Katy
Katherine Margaret Barnfield
March 25, 1909
115 Texas, USA
4 June 9, 2002
22 93 Texas, USA
Saturday, September 23, 2017 9:47 AM
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Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage PlaceLast change
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