Interactive tree of Bertha de Morvois

Robert II Capet 9721031
Constance De Toulouse 9731032
Hugh Capet 939996
Adelaide Princess Of Aquitaine 9521004
Hugh Magnus 895956
Hedwige Princess Germany 922965
Beatrice de Vermandois 880931
Robert I France 866
Ermengarde d' Anjou 963992
Conan I Duke of Brittany 927992
Adele of Meaux 950980
Geoffrey I Grisgonelle de Anjou 938987
Robert of Vermandois 968
Adelaide-Werra de Chalon
Arnulf II of Flanders 960998
Rozala Of Lombardy 9371003
Balwin III of Flanders 940962
Mathilde of Burgundy 1008
Adele of Vermandois 910958
Arnulf I of Flanders 890965
Herbert II of Vermandois 884943
Bertha de Morvois 845
Herbert I Vermandois 840902
Pepin of Vermandois 815
Bernard of Italy 797818
Cunigunda of Laon 797835
King Pepin of Italy 773810
Charlemagne 742814
Hildegarde 757783